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Move It on Over

By December 7, 2009News and Events

Last Updated on December 7, 2009 by James Dziezynski

*Whew* it has been a busy week to say the least! After a bit of searching and scrambling, I’ve vacated the familiar digs of Aspen Grove and gone west to Wonderland Lake. It’s wild to think I was in the Aspen Grove area for almost 10 years and a lot has changed in that time. But the Wonderland Lake area has good energy and it’s a new setting for me, Xanadu, Fremont and the oft-forgotten memeber of my family, Plant the plant.

Due to the kind of odd circumstances of my move (landlords wanted to sell, then didn’t, then did, then I found a place and they wanted to renew my lease), I had the pleasure of moving on a Wednesday and Thursday. In the middle of snowstorm. In zero degree temps. With two anxious pets. Having my entire life all over the place is a literally unsettled feeling, kind of like when you can’t find your keys and you have somewhere to be. Add into the mix the holidays — always a bundle of joy and cheer with a stocking of stress — and it’s been nuttier than a cashew convention.

All that being said, I have a bunch of good work lined up, Fremont is happy and healthy and things look promising for 2010. I also have some pictures from the past month I need to post soon from adventures, doggie days, etc.

James Dziezynski

James is a best-selling author and writer based out of Boulder, Colorado. His writings reflect his personal passions: adventure, science, exploration, philosophy, animal welfare and technology. When not spending time in the mountains, James volunteers at several animal rescue organizations and is a collector of classic video games.