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Life Update Post: What Hump day?

Last Updated on November 11, 2009 by James Dziezynski

It’s been quite a while since I’ve used my humble blog as a forum for some actual personal recollections.

I had a good day today. As I write this, my dark room is lit by the soft glow of a low-watt lamp. Fremont is contentedly chewing away on his busy bone, Xanadu is half asleep on the desk in front of my monitor and with all apologies to Robert Frost, I have miles to write before I sleep. A mix of good writing music is playing in the background, right now it’s Neil Young’s Heart of Gold.

If the younger version of myself circa 1999 could get a snapshot of this scene, he’d be pleased. It was 10 years ago today I was out here to stay, the alpha day of my Boulder life. And what a beautiful day to commemorate the occassion — I had a glorious afternoon mountain bike ride at Hall Ranch, got the 99% approval on a new townhouse I’ll be likely renting starting in December and spent quality time with my pets. I could have never imagined the stories I’ve lived out here, the people who have come and gone and the places I’d see in my time out here but… here I am.

All those memories are mine to swirl around in my head. But today was a good reminder of why I’m out here and how much more I have to learn and live in Colorado. It’s a good life and of course it can always be better. I think of a little wisdom from Greg Graffin:

Right or wrong,
the main criterion is what you do and not what you say
The roads you take,
the friends you make and those you throw away

 The method is a simple synthesis of the past and present state
You never lose if the path you choose is one you can easily navigate”

James Dziezynski

James is a best-selling author and writer based out of Boulder, Colorado. His writings reflect his personal passions: adventure, science, exploration, philosophy, animal welfare and technology. When not spending time in the mountains, James volunteers at several animal rescue organizations and is a collector of classic video games.